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Buying and selling
Buying and selling

We analyze the prices of the market to give you the best offer.


Check our rents of long-term duration and vacation.

Investment with profitability/Opportunities
Investment with profitability/Opportunities

Facing the increase and demand of rents, you can buy and obtain income since the beginning.

Real Estate Collaboration

Real Estate Collaboration

With how many real estate agencies do you want to sell your house?
We can put your house at the disposal of more than 50 Real estate Agencies in Alicante.

Home Staging

Home Staging

A good staging, decoration and improvements that will achieve that your house stands out and the sale takes place sooner.

First-class Real Estate Marketing

First-class Real Estate Marketing

In Masmarsea we have the best tools in order that your property in sale achieve potential purchasers in the whole world.

Online Advertising

Online Advertising

With Masmarsea your property will be announced in dozens of national and international real estate websites to arrive to potential purchasers of the whole world.

Architecture and interior design
Architecture and interior design
Processing of permits and technical certificates
Processing of permits and technical certificates
Commercialization, sales and after-sales service
Commercialization, sales and after-sales service
Maintenance and cleaning services
Maintenance and cleaning services